
Telephone Reassurance
Community Calling Programs and Services
Telephone Reassurance Technology Providers
Database Systems Corp. (DSC) is a leading provider of call contact and emergency notification phone outsourcing services. DSC also provides complete, turnkey phone systems for small to large organizations that have automatic calling programs.
This sophisticated technology is ideally suited for community service programs such as senior calling telephone reassurance programs.
DSC provides a telephone reassurance program and phone system called CARE (Call Reassurance) that is typically installed at police or sheriff's offices. DSC also provides individual programs for seniors who wish to subscribe to this service directly.
Our CARE phone system automatically contacts elderly residents who subscribe to this service as well as home alone children who come home from school before their parents arrive from work. The CARE system plays a recorded prompt, asking "Are You OK?". If the call is answered, our CARE system knows automatically that the resident is OK. The CARE recipient can optionally press a phone key, acknowledging that they are OK or they can request assistance by pressing a different key.
Telephone Reassurance Technology Organizations
- Telephone Reassurance
CARE (Call Reassurance) program contacts elderly residents by phone checking in on their well-being. If the CARE recipient does not respond or requests assistance, this automatic phone service calls a list of relatives or friends. Emergency calls can also be placed to the local police or fire department. Non emergency contact requests can also be made. CARE is provided as both a turnkey phone system or as an outsourcing service.
- Aging In Place
DSC is a leading provider of community elder care calling programs that assist the elderly and senior citizens using our automatic calling systems. This telephone reassurance program is known as CARE (Call Reassurance).
CARE was developed to help seniors who wish to continue living in their current residences rather than in assisted living centers.
- Elder Abuse
CARE (Call Reassurance) is our automated phone system and software that calls seniors or individuals with limited mobility to check in with these residents to ensure they are OK. One important application of this service is to monitor elderly abuse victims.
- RUOKReplacement
Database Systems Corp. (DSC) is a leading provider of automated phone systems and software for several decades. This technology includes computer telephony software solutions and phone systems. DSC has developed and markets a telephone reassurance program called CARE. This modern program checks on the well-being of seniors and home alone residents.
- Latchkey Kids
The CARE telephone reassurance phone system calls seniors or children left alone at home (Latchkey Kids) to ensure their well-being. CARE systems are purchased by law enforcement and community service organizations throughout the country.
- R You OK?
Database Systems Corp. (DSC) provides complete automated phone systems and software for communities and commercial enterprises. DSC has developed and markets a telephone reassurance program called CARE that is often refered to as an "Are You OK?" system.
This modern calling program checks on the well-being of latchkey children, seniors and home alone children.
Call Us Today
Contact DSC to learn more about our telephone reassurance phone systems and computer telephony software and services.